FGF Technology in the new Spa treatment Dermageniq and Clinic Way Skin Care

Human skin is the largest body organ and undergoing many changes. Therefore, proper skin care is impossible without knowledge of its physiology and function. The skin protects us from harmful substances present in the environment, blocking access to the interior of the body microorganisms.

It is also the main enclosure to prevent escape of water from the body.Dermageniq

Thermoregulatory functions. Under the influence of sunlight on the skin followed by the production of vitamin D, necessary, inter alia, for proper bone growth.

In the structure of the skin can be divided into three main layers. Deepest subcutaneous tissue, connective tissue composed of the right. The next layer is the dermis, most often represented by the fibroblasts responsible for supporting protein synthesis, such as collagen and elastin. These two proteins build an extracellular matrix or network elasticity and holding the skin. The outer part of the skin is the epidermis.
Aging is inevitable and the body’s natural process consisting, inter alia, the reduction of the biological activity of the body, slowing down the processes of regeneration and reducing resistance and response to environmental stress. The skin, due to direct exposure to harmful external environmental factors, aging is usually faster than the other organs of the human body, and the signs of aging are more visible. The aging process of the skin is the result of two mechanisms: intra- and extrinsic. This first type of aging, genetic or otherwise called chronological, it is a natural process dependent on the biological clock. In contrast, extrinsic aging (photoaging, aging caused by sun) is a process caused by external factors, especially sunlight.

Intrinsic Aging