Non-surgical Face Lift at Avora Skin Spa

Non-surgical Face Lift at Avora Skin Spa

non-surgical face lift

By reproducing our body’s own biological currents, microcurrents re-establish neuro-muscular communication pathways, helping to lift sagging muscles and tighten facial contour. The impulse Microcurrents combine regular microcurrents with high frequency added pulses. The technology is based on the Nobel Prize-winning work of doctors Bert Sakmann and Erwin Neher, who in 1991 discovered how ion channels allow electrically charged particles to pass through human cellular membranes. By subtly modulating the current’s polarity to match the cellular frequency, we can open the ionic membrane of cells, which increases acceptance of the micro-currents and ensures better communication between cell nuclei and intercellular energy. A small pause between the negative state and positive state allows for skin cells to relax. That means better, faster results.

The Impulse Microcurrent Technique is a non-invasive and low intensity current methodology which:
•Reproduces the bodies own biological currents

•Lifts sagging muscles

•Tightens facial contours by stimulating muscle receptors

•Enables the rejuvenation of muscle tissue
How does it work?