PRECIOUS Skin Recharge Facial

The most precious thing about life is life itself. However, our modern lifestyle is often characterized by stress, multitasking and fast pace. Our skin reacts to this way of life by ageing, which is often called Lifestyle Ageing: the skin looks pale, fatigued and wrinkled. The premium class PRECIOUS Skin Recharge Facial treatment with ampoules…

Peel Away the Mysteries of Chemical Peels.

Peel Away the Mysteries of Acids.

By: Rhonda Allison

Beautiful skin doesn’t have to be expensive, and going under the knife is not the only way to capture that youthful appearance. As a matter of fact, skin peels provide an effective, less expensive and less invasive alternative.

Peels, when properly administered, are some of the most powerful nonsurgical skin improvements available. They remove cellular buildup, stimulate skin regeneration and reduce wrinkles, fine lines, large pores and oiliness. They also help clear blemishes, treat hyperpigmentation, and improve overall texture and tone.chemical peels

Acid peeling is more than just a science; it’s an art form. As such, learning an art evolves with understanding and experience. The journey, however, along with the results skin peels produce, tends to spark passion and enthusiasm in skin care professionals as they get deeper into the art of skin peeling.

The myths

Apprehension often surrounds peels, much of which stems from the many myths and misconceptions surrounding the process. Skin care professionals who render peels, or are planning to, should have an understanding of some of these misconceptions to be better equipped to talk with clients about them.
One common misunderstanding is that one treatment is all that’s needed. The truth is that