Massage — an integral part of the proper care of the person. It is no secret that this is not only a nice cosmetic procedure, but effective manual technique, which also affects the whole body, relieving stress and fatigue. Among the wide variety of techniques, Spanish facial massage is gaining popularity because it is a great alternative to the gym and surgery.
Spanish Corrective Re sculpturing Face Massage or chiromassage is a specific massage technique originated from the classical and ancient techniques from the eastern part of the world. This is the author’s method, developed by Professor Enrique Castells Garcia, the most authoritative master in this field.
The main feature of the Spanish corrective sculpturing lifting face massage is a combination of techniques, which involves a complex effect immediately at all levels: skin, muscles, lymph and vascular system. As a result, the deepest being worked facial muscles, increasing the elasticity of the skin, thereby improving the oval face.
With the help of the technique of chiromassage, it solves many diverse complex problems and gives:
• Correction and firming of face oval;
• Smoothing of lines and wrinkles;
• Strengthening of eyelid muscles;
• Restoring of skin turgor;
• Decreasing of edema;
• Eliminating puffiness and bags under the eyes;
• Removing the double chin.
The uniqueness of the procedure is a huge variety of different manipulations that a master individually selected for each client, depending on the specific task. Selection of oils and creams as well adjusted individually.
Light circular movements and strokes are performed with fingertips and base of the palm with a smooth transition from a weak to a strong pressure. During the session, the same elements and ligaments are not repeated, that does not allow the skin to adapt to the massage and increases its effect.
An integral part of the Spanish facial lifting massage – is the impact on a face, neck, shoulders, chest area and arms, so there is a positive effect on the human nervous system such as recovery and relaxation.
Spanish Corrective re sculpturing Face Lifting Massage gives a lot of benefits: restoration of oval of face, increasing skin elasticity, nutrition and hydration, oxygenation, activation of cell regeneration, removal of muscle fatigue and muscle toning, lymph drainage and elimination of toxins, great relaxation.
Certainly Spanish corrective face lifting massage shows the best results in the fight against ageing skin and stress and leaves a 100% effect.
Please call to make your appointment to enjoy the magic of touch therapy 778-285-1012.